Detoxification Articles

  • common toxins

A List of Common Toxins

Your body faces a toxic burden from countless sources, including but not limited to: Environmental toxins  Outdoor pollution  Indoor pollution  Carpeting, especially when new  Combustion by-products (e.g., carbon monoxide)  Dust, at work or at home  Mold and mildew  Manufactured wood products, especially [...]

2018-02-22T21:07:53-05:00By |
  • lymphoma lymphedema

Lymphoma and Lymphedema

Similar Words Describe Different Lymphatic System Diseases Medical terms can be confusing, especially those that sound a lot alike, but mean very different things.  You might not be aware that lymphoma and lymphedema, though both impacting the lymphatic system in your body, [...]

2024-02-10T18:01:52-05:00By |
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